39.90 CHF 39.90 €
Instruments |
accords - chant - chant voix mixtes
Editeur |
Carus |
Auteur - Interprčte |
Divers |
Détails |
" Zoltán Kodály A Christmas Carol (1929)
" Ludwig Böhme A naí naoimh (2015)
" Uwe Henkhaus A vint-i-cinc de Desembre (2015)
" Steve Dobrogosz Adoración al nińo Jesús (2015)
" Johann Georg Lotscher Ära vare Gud i höjden
" Niels Gade Barn Jesus i en krybbe la
" Charles Gounod Bethléem
" Hans Rudolf Zöbeley Boch predwitschnyj
" Theo Brandmüller Bon Noël
" Ioan Dumitru Chirescu Buna dimineata la Mos Ajun
" Jakub Zicha Byla cesta
" Frantisek Prásil Búvaj, Diet´a krásne
" Marie-Claire Alain C´était la veill´ de Noël
" Gunther Martin Göttsche Campana sobre campana (2015)
" Adolphe Adam Cantique de Noël / Minuit, Chrétiens
" August Blank Canzone dei zampognari
" Steve Pilkington Coventry Carol (2003)
" Christoph Schönherr Corramos, corramos (2015)
" Juan M. V. Garcia De tierra leja venimos (2015)
" Malcom Sargent De Virgin Mary had a baby boy (1964)
" Józef Swider Do szopy hej, pasterze
" Franziska Gohl Dormi, dormi, bel bambin (2015)
" Ernest Cervera i Astor El noi de la mare
" Ernest Cervera i Astor En Belén tocan a fuego
" Knut Nystedt En stjerne klar
" Julius Röntgen Er is een kindeke geboren op aard
" Reiko Füting Eta notsch swjataja (2015)
" Herbert Bittrich Festejo de Navidad
" Carl Nielsen Forunderligt at sige (1919)
" Jonathan Rathbone Gabriel´s Message (1991)
" Alberto de Michelena Gabaren erdian
" Robert Sund Gläns över sjö och strand/ Bethlehems Stjärna (2015) " Jozef Sicherl Glej, zvezdice bozje
" Wolfgang Gentner Go, tell it on the mountain (2012)
" Mark Sirett Huron Carol (2015)
" Wolfram Buchenberg I saw three ships (2006)
" Ludwig Böhme Il est né, le divin enfant (2015)
" Gustav Holst In the bleak midwinter
" Damijan Mocnik Je eno dete rojeno (2015)
" Gustav Holst Jesu, thou the Virgin Born
" John Hoybye Julen har bragt velsignet bud (2015)
" Pekka Juhani Hannikainen Joulun Kellot
" Gustaf Nordqvist Jul, jul, stralande jul!
" Stelios Chatziktoris Kalanta "Kalin imeran archontes" (2015)
" Lajos Bárdos Karácsonyi bölcsödal / Mary´s Lullabye
" Jan Zwart Kerstlied
" Hans Schanderl Kiris Bara Bari (1996)
" Joaqin Nin-Gulmell La Virgen lava pańales (1955)
" George McPhee Leanabh an aigh (2001)
" Francois-Auguste Gevaert Le petit Jésus
" Fredo Jung Les anges dans nos campagnes (2015)
" Hans van den Brand Maria die zoude naar Bethlehem gaan (2015)
" Gunther Martin Göttsche Marche des rois (2015)
" Jehan Alain Noël nouvelet
" Volker Hempfling Mennyböl az angyal (2014)
" Marie-Claire Alain Minuit sonne
" Leone Sinigaglia Ninna nanna di Gesů Bambino
" Giacomo Mezzalira Noi siamo i tre Re (2015)
" David Willcocks O come, O come, Emmanuel (1970)
" Javier Busto O Eguberri Gaua
" Arthur Henry Mann Once in royal David´s city
" Volker Hempfling O sanctissima / O du fröhliche (2015)
" Juris Vaivods Puti, puti, ziemeliti
" Ludwig Böhme Remember, O thou man (2013)
" Sebastian Krause Rise up, shepherd, and follow (2015)
" Christoph Schönherr Senora Dona Maria (2015)
" André J. Thomas Sing Noel / African Noel
" Gheorghe Cucu Sus boieri nu mai dormiti
" Fredo Jung Stille Nacht (international) (2015)
" Matti Hyökki Sylvian joululaulu (2015)
" Johannes Mayr Tan il dschong / Weihnachtsglocken (2015)
" John Rutter The holly and the ivy (1979)
" Gustav Holst The Saviour of the world is born
" John Stainer The first Nowell
" William G. James The Three Drovers
" Giacomo Mezzalira Tu scendi dalle stelle (2015)
" Antun Celar U to vrijeme godista
" Vytautas Miskinis Vaikstineko povele (2015)
" Alberto Grau Vengo dando pascuas (2015)
" John Henry, Jr Hopkins We three Kings of Orients are
" Naomi Crellin Wexford Carol (2015)
" John Stainer What child is this
" Richard Allison While shepherds watched their flocks by night
" Józef Swider Wsród nocnej ciszy
" Wolfram Buchenberg Jolly old Saint Nicholas (2013)
Texte en langue originale et traduit en allemand |